## Project Description
The project involves creating a simulation of flight instruments using Pygame, which runs on a Raspberry Pi. These simulated instruments respond to realistic flight inputs, providing an immersive experience. Additionally, a Flask web application is used to configure various simulation settings, which are stored in an SQLite database.
## Technologies Used
- **Python**: The primary programming language used for scripting and development.
- **Pygame**: A cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing video games, used here for simulating flight instruments.
- **Flask**: A micro web framework for Python, used to create a web interface for configuring the simulation settings.
- **Raspberry Pi**: A small, affordable computer used to run the simulation.
- **GPIO**: General Purpose Input/Output pins on the Raspberry Pi used for handling physical inputs.
- **SQLite**: A lightweight database used for storing configuration settings.
## Challenges Faced
### 1. **Realistic Simulation of Flight Instruments**
- **Issue**: Ensuring the simulated flight instruments accurately reflect realistic flight dynamics.
- **Solution**: Implementing mathematical models of flight dynamics and fine-tuning them through testing and validation.
### 2. **Performance Optimization on Raspberry Pi**
- **Issue**: Managing the limited computational resources of the Raspberry Pi while running Pygame simulations.
- **Solution**: Optimizing Pygame code for efficiency, reducing the graphical load, and using hardware acceleration where possible.
### 3. **Configurable Settings Interface**
- **Issue**: Providing a user-friendly interface for configuring simulation settings.
- **Solution**: Developing a Flask web application that allows users to adjust settings through a web browser, and saving these settings to an SQLite database.
### 4. **Handling Realistic Inputs**
- **Issue**: Processing inputs from physical controls (e.g., joysticks, knobs) connected to the Raspberry Pi.
- **Solution**: Utilizing the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins to read input signals and integrate them into the simulation logic.
### Features
#### Simulated Flight Instruments
- **Attitude Indicator**: Displays the aircraft's orientation relative to the horizon.
- **Airspeed Indicator**: Shows the aircraft's speed.
- **Altimeter**: Indicates the aircraft's altitude.
- **Heading Indicator**: Displays the aircraft's heading direction.
#### Configurable Settings
- **Web Interface**: A Flask-based web application that allows users to configure settings such as instrument sensitivity, display options, and input calibration.
- **Persistent Storage**: Settings are stored in an SQLite database to ensure they persist between sessions.
#### Realistic Inputs
- **Physical Controls**: Integration with physical controls connected to the Raspberry Pi through GPIO pins, allowing for a more realistic simulation experience.
## Domain Knowledge Requirements
In addition to Python programming skills, the project required specialized knowledge in the following areas:
- **Flight Dynamics and Instrumentation**: Understanding the principles of flight dynamics and how flight instruments work.
- **Game Development**: Experience with Pygame for creating graphical simulations.
- **Web Development**: Proficiency in Flask for developing web interfaces.
- **Embedded Systems**: Knowledge of working with Raspberry Pi and GPIO for handling physical inputs.
- **Database Management**: Experience with SQLite for storing configuration settings.